CODAR News 9 January 2024
CODAR’s List of Recommended Presentations at 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting
Many excellent presentations are expected at the AGU-ASLO-TOS 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. Here is a select list of those having some connection to HF radar (especially SeaSonde) recommended by CODAR staff. We hope to see you in the audience!
Monday 19 February
PS12A-08 Observations of tidally modulated topographic wakes in Palau
First author: Sophia Merrifield, University of California San Diego
Time: 09:40 – 09:50 Location: R09, Second Floor
PL13B-08 Observations and Forecasts of Hurricane interactions with the Loop Current
First author: Scott Glenn, Rutgers University
Time: 13:17 – 13:28 Location: 211-213, Second Floor
Monday Poster Session
Time: 14:00 – 16:00 Location: Poster Hall, First Floor
OT14A-1445 Kuroshio path inferred from satellite-derived sea surface topography between the islands of Luzon and Kyushu in the northwestern Pacific
First author: Ying-Chih Fang, National Sun Yat-sen University
PL14C-2248 Toward an Operational Observing System for the Gulf of Mexico
First author: Amy S Bower, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
OB14D-0745 Observations of Shelf Water Cascade Events on the Shelf-Slope Near Cape Hatteras
First author: Mike Muglia, Coastal Studies Institute
PS14B-2022 Submesoscale Dynamics in the California Current: A Multi-Pronged Data Approach
First author: Saulo M Soares, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
CC14C-1224 Long-Term Analysis of the Gulf Stream Variability at Cape Hatteras Using High-Frequency Radar Surface Current Observations
First author: Yubeen Jeong, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
PL14C-2250 Variability and Surface Transport of the Yucatan Current from High-Frequency Radar Surface Current Observations: Impacts on Loop Current (Gulf of Mexico) Evolution
First author: Steven Francis DiMarco, Texas A&M University College Station
AI14B-2324 High spatial resolution surface winds from HF radar observations: validation and implications
First author: Anthony Kirincich, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
PS14C-2039 HF Radar Observations of Gulf Stream Characteristics off of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina
First author: Caroline Ford Lowcher, Coastal Studies Institute
Tuesday 20 February
PS23B-04 A Decadal Analysis of Submesoscale Eddies in the Southern California Bight Through High-Frequency Radar Observations
First author: Ali Reza Payandeh, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Time: 12:30 – 12:40 Location: Great Hall D, First Floor
Tuesday Networking – Social Event: HF Radar Oceanography Community Meeting
Time: 14:00 – 16:00 Location: Rivergate Terrace, Second Floor
This is a social event for the HF radar oceanography community of data users, practitioners, manufacturers, operators, etc. to facilitate discussion and the exchange of ideas, developments and research.
Tuesday Poster Session
Tuesday Poster Session Time: 14:00 – 16:00 Location: Poster Hall, First Floor
OT24A-1519 Methods to Derive Total Surface Currents from High-Frequency Radar Radial Current Observations
Lead author: Edel S U Rikardsen, Norwegian Meteorological Institute
PS24B-2067 Kinetic Energy Injection and Transfer at the Submesoscale
Lead author: Sara Taylor, California Institute of Technology
OT24B-1522 High resolution of Long-term HF Radar Observations and its comparisons with Mooring ADCPs along west coast of Canada
Lead author: Manman Wang, Ocean Networks Canada
Wednesday 21 February
OP31E-08 Observed Tidal Currents in the Gulf of Khambhat, Northeastern Arabian Sea: An HF Radar Perspective
Lead author: Samiran Mandal, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Time: 07:12 – 07:18 Location: R06-R07, Second Floor
DO33A-02 Bistatic HF Radar Modeling for Wind and Wave Estimation
Lead author: Kelsey Elizabeth Brunner, SRI International Ann Arbor
12:10 – 12:20 Location: 211-213, Second Floor
CP33B-08 Assessing the Impact of Wind-Wave Interactions on the Coastal Circulation Dynamics of the Mississippi Bight through a Coupled Model Application
Lead author: Marc Dinard, University of Southern Mississippi
Time: 13:10 – 13:20 Location: R06-R07, Second Floor
Wednesday Poster Session
Time: 14:00 – 16:00 Location: Poster Hall, First Floor
PS34D-2141 Review of the Texas Shelf Coastal Currents Using High Frequency Radar Surface Currents Data
Lead author: Uchenna Nwankwo, Texas A&M University, Geochemical and Environmental Research Group (GERG)
CC34C-1325 Variations of Eddy Characteristics Along the East Coast of India
Lead author: Pooja Patel, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
CP34C-1895 Two Decades of Current Measurements off the Jersey Shore
Lead author: Hugh Roarty, Rutgers University New Brunswick
Thursday 22 February
OT41C-06 Evaluation and Verification of High Frequency Radars wave data using Nearshore Wave Prediction System (NWPS)
Lead author: Ali Salimi Tarazouj, Lynker at NOAA
Time: 07:20 – 07:30 Location: 215-216, Second Floor
PI41A-07 Finding Marine Grocery Stores: A Lagrangian Approach to Prey Concentrating Features in Palmer Deep, Antarctica
Lead author: Jacquelyn Veatch, Rutgers University
Time: 07:36 – 07:47 Location: 225-227, Second Floor
Thursday Poster Session
Time: 14:00 – 16:00 Location: Poster Hall, First Floor
PS44B-2164 Surface Currents Offshore of North Carolina Measured with High-Frequency Radar Coincident with the SWOT Calibration/Validation Crossover Site
Lead author: Harvey Seim, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
PS44B-2162 Separation of Balanced and Unbalanced Flow in the California Current System: Comparison of SWOT, High-Frequency Radar, and Model Output
Lead author: Luke Kachelein, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
PI44A-1730 Small Scale Physical Controls of Foraging Behavior in a Polar Biological Hotspot
Lead author: Josh T Kohut, Rutgers University New Brunswick
OT44E-1664 Investigating Potential Impacts of Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations on the Mid-Atlantic Bight Cold Pool
Lead author: Ryan Cassin, University of Rhode Island
PS44A-2144 Aggregations of Particles by Surface Currents in the Lower Chesapeake Bay
Lead author: Teresa Updyke
PS44A-2152 Improving the Frontal Zone Detection in the Southern Bay of Biscay by a Combination of Remote Sensing and Lagrangian Measurements of Surface Current Velocities
Lead author: Sloane Bertin, Laboratory of Oceanology and Geosciences, Univ. Littoral
Friday 23 February
Submesoscale-to-Mesoscale Variability in the California Current System: Assimilation of SWOT One-Day Repeat Data and In Situ Observations
Lead author: Sarah T Gille, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego
Time: 12:00 – 12:10 Location: R09, Second Floor