CODAR SeaSonde® Training Event
- Fall 2024

14-18 October 2024

Mountain View, California

CODAR SeaSonde® Training Event
- Fall 2024

14-18 October 2024

Mountain View, California

CODAR SeaSonde®
Training Event
- Fall 2024

14-18 October 2024

Mountain View, California


Long Range

High Resolution


Long Range

High Resolution


Long Range

High Resolution


High-Frequency Radar:

Supporting Critical Coastal Operations with Real-time Surface Current Data

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News, Articles & Events


High-Frequency Radar:

Supporting Critical Coastal Operations with Real-time Surface Current Data

News, Articles & Events


High-Frequency Radar:

Supporting Critical Coastal Operations with Real-time Surface Current Data

News, Articles & Events

The Unique Nature of HF Radar:

What makes HF Radar particularly useful for current mapping is that the ocean waves associated with HF wavelengths are always present.

The Unique Nature of
HF Radar:

What makes HF Radar particularly useful for current mapping is that the ocean waves associated with HF wavelengths are always present.

The Unique Nature of
HF Radar:

What makes HF Radar particularly useful for current mapping is that the ocean waves associated with HF wavelengths are always present.

Not a CODAR Library Member?

Over 50 years of research in the field of HF radar for
ocean monitoring.

Not a CODAR Library Member?

Over 50 years of research in the field of HF radar for ocean monitoring.

Library Member?

Over 50 years of research in the field of HF radar for ocean monitoring.