CODAR Support Registration

Create an Account
This registration page is to access the CODAR Support area and account registration is moderated. Once approved, your account will get access to both the Support area and the Publications Library area.
Alternatively, if you want to create a new separate account for Publications Library area, then
click here. 
Organization/Institute/University/Company you are affiliated with.
If you get an error message “email address or username already registered”, that is because either an account for support area already exists for this email/username or you had used the same email/user name to register for the publications library area which does not give access to support area by default.
If you get an error message “email address or username already registered”, that is because either an account for support area already exists for this email/username or you had used the same email/user name to register for the publications library area which does not give access to support area by default.
Use at-least 12 characters. System will automatically detect your password strength
Strength indicator